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Protect Us All: Exposing Toxic threat Round-up Herbicide

Monsanto's signature herbicide is one of the most pervasive pollutants plaguing the environment. It's been used by agri-business since the 70s, for Reasons you may not realize:

- Kill cover crops at the beginning of the Season,

- killing wheat, barley, & oats at the end of the season to make it easier to harvest, called "desiccation".

-Ubiquitous in producing soybeans + Sugar beets genetically modified to withstand herbicide application. These commodity crops end up as animal feed, vegetable oil, and processed junk food. Sometimes used on Corn....

What does it do to people? There is a non-Hodgkins lymphoma class action lawsuit gathering team. It's linked to neurological diseases, birth defects, respiratory illness.

What does it do to the planet? It says "kills" right on the bottle, so its having far-reaching affects, accumulating in the Enviroment

-It's implicated in poisoning monarch butterflies, whose habitat is degraded when Round-Up tolerant GMOS are mono-cropped, displacing their natural milkweed.

Sign Environment Ohio Petition to discontinue its use!

Protest Home Depot and Lowes! Use these placards for your speakout!

HOUSE AG COMMITTEE, Senate Ag committee

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Tell Cancer leaders u support alternatives and need their help ratcheting down Round Up use. @pelotonia @SU2C

Ask them to pressure Farmers use organic weed control because the environment already has enough round up!

Follow @OrganicConsumers Millions Against Monsanto

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